Sunday, September 23, 2007

Ready, set, OZ!

One more sleep and We Are Off To See The Wizard, The Wonderful Wizard of OZ.

We have finished struggling with the suitcases and packed a collapsable one to pull out after the road trip in Broome. [We are only allowed one case each on that trip.] After that the only real limitation is the carrying capacity of Rod's car/van/police cruiser.

Apparently Rod and Lyn have a ex police car that Rod said could carry up to six prisoners, so we should be ok. I wonder if Australia still has a thing about transporting prisoners? Possibly a hang over from earlier days. Lyn can trace her ancestry back to one of the 'prison ships' that sailed from England to Australia. Apparently this young prisoner was found guilty of stealing some cloth. Oddly enough Lyn buys cloth on her travels around the world, and ships it home. Coincidence?

I thought that I would do a fun-posting prior to leaving. back to the flag thing folks. Except Fellette said that this time she was going to appear 'dressed', she said we were sending the wrong image about us. Oddly enough you cannot tell if she is fully clothed or not. [She is.]

The bowie knife is staying home, but the mosquito [mossie] nets are packed along with the robin on Fellette's shoulder, he too is going south.

Talk to you in Darwin, Lord willing.


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