Monday, October 8, 2007

Lazy Day at Cable Beach

Broome, Western Australia

Cable beach is named for the spot where the underwater cable from Indonesia put Australia in touch with the rest of the world. Cable Beach is in Broome, which was made famous and important for "mother of pearl" oyster that grows in abundance in these waters. 'Pearling' started in 1861 and reached its peak in 1914. It fell into decline until the cultivation of large pearls was introduced in the 1960's [?]

Broome has become a tourist mecca in recent years because the weather and beaches are fabulous, except for 'The Wet', late December til March, when the monsoon-like rains come. That is also the hottest time of the year, with 100% humidity. The coolest it gets here during the day is 28C, all year round. Needless to say there are many young and lithe bodies up here. The girl in the breakfst room this morning is a Swedish packpacker that walked in and asked for a job. Our maid this morning is from Vancouver.

We are enjoying our quiet time here very much. Todays activities were as follows: Wave goodbye to our parting fellow travellers; a short taxi ride to a local church for an interesting time with a guest speaker; a taxi ride back for our Thanksgiving lunch of fish and chips; a lazy afternoon of lounging in the a/c room during the heat of the day; a walk and a swim at the beach to see the camels and sunset; room service of hawaiian Pizza and a beer. [This was after standing in line for 15 minutes to place our order at a restaurant where you apparently need to select a table before you order.] That was the only time in two weeks that I lost my temper!

For the first time since leaving Canada, we are fully rested.

The photos are some of the elements on the beach late this afternoon. Tomorrow, another day of resting, likely a 6.30 am swim in the waters that feel like Maui.


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