Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Our brains are baked... time to move on

First an explanation about the two stuffed animals that Fellette put into her pack... [Robin and Roo]. The Robin belongs to Alicia, our granddaughter, the Kangaroo appeared some time ago.

The animals were too shy to be seen whilst on tour, as they prefer not to be front and centre except when we are alone with them. I TOLD YOU OUR BRAINS ARE BAKED. [By the way, those are cuttlefish parading past them on Cable Beach.]

Tuesday in Australia [Monday at home], and it is a travel day. Broome to Perth on the west coast and no doubt more moderate weather. Since arriving in Oz two weeks every day the temperature has been above 35 C, the highest was 42 C.

We had a total of 4 nights here, a bit much but we managed it, tough stuff though. Fellette and I are not beach bums, nor pool bums. We need to be on the go or doing something all the time. My father once told me that I should do something constructive every day, I suppose at least my sub-conscious was listening.

Nothing exciting to report about during the last few days, but there are some things rattling around my head that some may find interesting:

In my opinion, Australia is a very orderly and organized country. There are many rules and regulations that people take as a given. They are generally law abiding.

Everything works in this country, and happens when it is supposed to.

Australia is becoming more and more multi-racial every day.

The northern parts of Australia are closer to Indonesia than Melbourne. It also costs less to fly to Indonesia than most Australian cities.

Things are not cheap here. [Or anywhere we have been to.]

People seem to drink more wine than beer. [Strange to me.]

Australians are keen sports enthusiasts, cricket, rugby etc.

Australians seem to wear almost anything that suits them, flattering or otherwise. The selection of hats is amazing.

Australia has accents that rival Britain's mix of dialects. The desk clerk this am asked what part of Ireland I was from, [gadzooks, shades of our ancestors Risa!]

Australia has more than it's share of poisonous, sharp, barbed, fatal, excruciatingly painful, plants, shrubs, grasses, snakes, lizards, insects and water borne things!

The weather is weird; the dry means colder, the wet means hotter????

Australians seem to be trying to make up for their past indiscretions against aboriginals and Asians.

The Australian aboriginal 'issue' is far more prevalent than in Canada.

To me, it is a wonder that Australia has not been populated by their close neighbours in Asia years ago, either by force or immigration.

As you can see, I have too much time on my hands. Please remember that these are not qualified observations, but merely impressions that I have picked up in our short visit. I am almost certain that I will cringe a few days from now about what I have written.

See you in Perth, I hope that you Canadians enjoyed a thanksgiving turkey with your family and friends. [There is no thanksgiving in Australia, the first settlers were convicts and their guards!]

PS We chatted with a Brit who lives in Oz now, he is a helicopter mechanic for the oil rigs 2 1/2 hour out to sea. He said that to him, Vancouver was the most beautiful city he has ever seen. True statement!


At October 12, 2007 at 10:15 a.m. , Blogger Graham H. said...

I am not certain if your “Robin” has the tag attached or if you are aware of its birth date.

The name of that particular Beanie Babie – “Robin” is “Early” and it’s birthday is March 20th – Papa’s Birthday.



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