Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Welcome to Vancouver South... [Perth]

Just a quick report that we are out of the heat and back to normal temperatures. As a matter of fact we had sweaters on and woke up this morning to R-A-I-N.

The sequence of photos taken during the 2 1/2 hour flight from Broome shows the dramatic changes in the land as we flew along. Now this is where one should farm, not in the deserts up north.

But, in spite of the appearance there is apparently a 'green drought' in this part of Australia as well. We chatted with a young farmer's wife during dinner, and because of the lack of water they are cutting their sheep herd from around 10,000 to half, 5,000. [Try being there for all the lambing CJ!]

The word of the day, Addiction. [Craving, dependance, habit, obsession.] Our hotel only has dial-up internet connection, and they advised me that the hotel across the street only had broadband, [wired]. While Fellette was unpacking I walked across the street and enquired if they had a business centre where I could hook up to. Behold, because I have my own ethernet cable, I can use their server at N/C! [I put that cable in, 'just in case']. It was then that I realized that I am somewhat obsessive about my computer and the ability to get on-line. Bad situation Doug, does my outlook depend upon the speed of the connection? Fellette says yes. I must work on that. Maybe someday, but not this week with that lightening fast connection only 100 yards away!


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