Tuesday, November 6, 2007

I'm Back!

By popular demand I am back blogging! [Not really, I now have a good connection and am settled in and rested.]

You may not know, but one of the reasons we are staying with Rod and Lyn for three weeks is to do some maintenance and building of small projects for them. There are three main things to accomplish before we leave. One is to build a small arched bridge over the fish-pond. Another is to build a rose trellis at the front entrance. The last and most nasty is to refurbish the wire fence that covers the two sides of their large corner lot. There are many other jobs to do, Fellette has already trimmed the hedge and done some serious painting. Like most things, Rod and Lyn were looking forward to our visit and know that we get pleasure out of doing these things for others.

We also wanted to "live in Australia, like an Australian, not a tourist". We are doing this, Fellette went to the hairdresser yesterday, I was at the lumber yard and Fellette is also going to the Thursday Ladies Crafts Tea.

Over the next few weeks I will show our progress on these and others. I will also try to explain the watering system here on their property. I think that in some places in Britain there may be a similar water shortage situation. I will also show in detail some of the gorgeous houses and buildings in the area. Plus anything else that takes my fancy.

Their home is a listed Heritage Home, built in the late 1800's. They are only the second family to live in it. It was passed down in the family for about 100 years before they bought it about 8 years ago. [They lost their only son in a terrible tragedy 10 years ago.]

The home has smaller rooms as homes did in those day. Some of you may recall being in homes similar to this in your younger days. My grandfather Robins had a home about this size and era. Anybody 60 or older probably had a grandparent or parent living in such homes.

Folks I realize this is not as exciting as tracking lemurs in Madagascar, or such but that will have to wait for a few months.

Attached are some pictures that may be self explanatory.


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