Saturday, October 27, 2007

South West Rocks, New South Wales....[500 Ks north of Sydney]

The previous day's storm blew over and we awoke to a fogged-in town, [at 5.00 am at least]. By the time our hosts awoke it was clear blue skies and not a cloud in sight.

First stop was to the Goal, [jail], another Australian Prison folks, they seem to be big on prisons here, something to do with their ancestors I guess. This is a marvellous example of the skills of the early pioneers. Local granite and 17 years of hard work in the 1880's went into it.

In the Great War [WW I], it housed German citizens for the duration. I could not think of a nicer place to be incarcerated. The only unforeseen death during that time was one gentleman who was drowned while bathing in the surf.

South West Rocks is a bit of a sleepy town that seems to make it on the holiday flats and beach seekers that come here during all seasons. It is part of the seemingly endless strip of beach that runs down the east coast of Australia. After visiting the prison we walked the trail that seemed to go on forever to another gorgeous beach. On the way in the heavy brush we passed more than a few lizards plus I am sure other unseen creatures.

After lunch we ventured to the beach and cooled off, rather quickly I must say. The water seems to be cold but once in it is almost necessary to get ones temperature down a bit. I suffer the heat somewhat. We have never been in a situation where the heat every day is so much above what we are used to.

Kangaroos abound here, [No pun intended.] They seem to come out around 4.30 in the afternoon and hang out in groups of eight or more. They are the most ungainly looking thing you have ever seen, but are so graceful when hopping off, particularly the little 'joeys'. It makes for an interesting time for the scores of campers at the beach side.

A great day, topped off by a smorgasbord dinner at the local sports 'Club', in a grandiose new building. The 'Club' concept defies description, except to say that every town seems to have one. They revolve around the sports theme; bowls, cricket, swimming, rugby, etc. There is of course a bar, a restaurant or two, a bottle shop, and the clincher, slot machines, this one even had off-track betting. I believe it has its roots in Britain. A good place to get an inexpensive but good meal without a lot of fuss and bother.

Tomorrow we are scheduled to drop in and visit with my Tai Chi instructors that were on the ship we sailed in two years ago.


At October 27, 2007 at 10:40 p.m. , Blogger Viv said...

You really have a natural eye for taking incredible photographs!I am taking notes!!!!


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