Saturday, October 20, 2007

A 2300 Kilometer Airport-Pickup Run

2300 kilometers, that is the distance that our friends, Rod and Lyn drove to pick us up at the Brisbane airport. We are bedded down some 150 ks north of Brisbane at a delightful holiday resort area called Noosa. Rod and Lyn met us almost as we walked off the plane. The airport security procedures are somewhat more sensible than in North America and other countries, [you can actually bring a bottle of water through security here!]

We have a two bedroom suite overlooking the Noosa river, the Pacific Ocean is two kilometers down stream from our acommodation. That means that Vancouver Island is 'just over the horizon'.

We are booked in for four more nights before heading down south to Melbourne, taking about 10 days to get there, covering the 2300 k's again, over some new ground for them.

We met Rod and Lyn some four years ago on a cruise. They were on from Southampton to Darwin with us, some 46 days. Rod and Lyn came to North America a couple of years ago and we had a great time with them, spending time up in the wilds of BC, at Barkerville and at the Cabin at 100 Mile House.

Today we had a great sleep-in then went to the Saturday Market and wandered about. It seems a bit strange for Fellette and I after the touring we have done. No more coach tours, buffett dinners, or 'suitcases' out at 6:30. Normal in Noosa.

Fellette and Lyn are happy as clams with their needlework and chatting, and, the prospect of a knock-down scrabble game with Lyn tonight is something Fellette has been looking forward to. for some time. Rod and I are into cameras and great philosophical discussions on the ills of our respective countries, and the world.

It is great to be back into moderate temperatures and humidity. Last night was the first night in over three weeks that we did not use air conditioning, just the breeze from the ocean wafting through the bedroom. Like Maui! The next few days will be a bit of a laze about methinks.

Ozzie terms:
Chook..................chicken a round of drinks
Bathers.................swim suit
Brumby.................wild horse, [mustang]
Mexicans...............people from Victoria to Queenslanders
Banana Benders.......people from Queensland to Victorians

.............the slang in Australia is endless


At October 20, 2007 at 6:47 p.m. , Blogger Craig said...

Welcome to the blog Rod & Lyn, it's good to see you again!

PS - Hope to see some of your photography in the upcoming posts too Rod.


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