Monday, October 15, 2007

King's Park, Perth, Spring Wildflowers...

Today was our last day in Perth. Six days is a long time for us to be in one spot. It really has been a wonderful time here, we got off to a bumpy start after the tremendous and spectacular scenery in the Kimerley area.

One of Fellette's wishes was to see the spring wildflowers that Western Australia is indeed, famous for. We have seen them almost every day since arriving here but today was put aside for us and the flowers. We were not disappointed. We hopped a bus up to the most beautiful park in the world, like Stanley Park or Butchard gardens overlooking the Swan River and Perth. A beautiful day of clear skies with a light breeze topped it off.

We spent the morning and early afternoon up there. I took 128 photos, a few are shown here. Fellette was even somewhat tired of looking for new varities by the end of the day. As far as wanting to see wildflowers I say we have accomplished that mission. Ian and Judy, you would have loved today, but I suspect you have been here, [but maybe not in their spring?] I thought that Fellette's pose of Queen victoria was quite regal.

An interesting incident on the way up there this morning...
Perth has free and efficient bus transportation within the city. [Yes, free and efficient!] We hopped on to a somewhat crowded bus, a gentleman, about 50+ popped up and offered me his seat. I said "No, you are older than me" I have no idea why I said that. Fellette sat down. They were sitting in seats reserved for 'pensioners and women with children.' We chatted the rest of the journey, he was German, a nice man, with his wife.

The story continues...they got off at the same stop as us, one that requires a 221 step climb to the top. There was a bit of a contest going on with about 50 people to see what team of 10 could run up the steps the fastest. We waited till that ruckus was finished. The German couple started up ahead of us. [Now 221 steep steps is a bit of a grind, for any age folks!] Fellette and I passed them 1/3 of the way up. My legs were killing me, but I tell you folks, this guy who offered me his seat was not going to get to the top ahead of me! It was non-stop, slow and steady. Amazing what stupid pride will do, but I had taken two photos and was using my video by the time they popped up!

Tomorrow, off to Alice Springs and Ayer's Rock, and I suppose, the heat again.

See you in 'the Centre'


At October 15, 2007 at 6:40 p.m. , Blogger Auntie Moe said...

Hi F&D -

Can almost smell the flowers, they are beautiful.

Thanks Love AM


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