Saturday, October 13, 2007

How can we be bored in Perth???

The last few days, since Broome actually, and again in Perth, have been somewhat boring for us two. [I am sure that anybody reading the blog would agree], too much inaction methinks is the problem. Also the fact that we are in a city contributes to the issue. Country folk we are, we admit it unashamedly. Boring may be the wrong word, perhaps we are more comfortable with a little excitement and uncertainty in our life.

We have two more action-packed days in this beautiful city; one to a beach island, the other a day at leisure. [That's all we need is more leisure!] Enough of this city life, we yearn for the open bumpy road, full of dust and potholes, with questionable accommodation, iffy food and days of untold adventures! That happens on Monday, [Sunday in Canada], when we head to the "centre" as it is known and Alice Springs and Ayer's Rock. [Ayer's Rock now has some other politically-correct native name that I cannot remember nor pronounce.] After that we meet up in Brisbane with friends Rod and Lyn from Melbourne, we are certainly looking forward to seeing Australia through Australian eyes

Perth and Fremantle are both very nice cities, however Fremantle, the port, 20 minutes away is a bit more charming and quaintsy. It is a bit like being in a tropical port, except the natives speak a language that you can almost understand if you listen hard.

I have enclosed a smattering of scenes that took my fancy today. The one of the war memorial has to be the most beautiful location for a cenotaph we have ever seen, on top of the hill overlooking the Swan River and Perth. Australia does not forget.

Tonight we go to a nearby Casino for a dinner package. Whoopee! [Can you read my cynicism?]


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