Thursday, October 11, 2007

An Easy Day in Perth

We are having a bit of a rough time picking up the pace of our activities. Perth is an ABC. [Another Big City]. However it is an interesting place to visit. We are downtown, so we could be at the corner of Robson and Burrard [that's downtown Vancouver for you non-Vancouverites]. This is not our position of choice.

We had a leisurely breakfast, did the internet thing then went for a walk prior to taking a coach tour of the city and it's surrounds. It is a good way to find out where you are in relation to things on the various maps we pick up. So, all I have is a few pictures that may give a bit of a flavour of what Perth looks and feels like. It is actually very much like Vancouver. There are so many buildings being put up you wonder where they get all the workers from. We were told that the unemployment rate was about 1%. Anybody can get a job, does it sound like Canada?

Tomorrow we have a full day out in the country, so perhaps I will have something more exciting than buildings to show for it.


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