Thursday, October 18, 2007


A very busy time the last few days. An internet connection was either not available or out of this world in price, and actually I did not have time to deal with it. Robin and Roo accompanied us all the way but seemed to weather the ordeal much better than we did, possibly because they were carried all the way.

MONDAY, flew to Alice Springs, that took most of the day. Arrived at Alice around 5.30 PM. Time for a shower, repack cases, a dinner and then to bed, tired after a travel day.

TUESDAY, up at 5AM, a quick bite to eat at 6, check out at 6.30, on the bus at 6.35. Arrived at Ayers Rock at 11.15, rooms not ready. Bite to eat, [1/2 chicken and chips], on the bus at 12.15. Out to the Olgas, [spectacular rock formation 50 k from Ayers]. Then to Walfa Gorge and hiked in 37 C. Our nostrils started to fry, no humidity.

Then to Ayers for sunset viewing. A very special thing to see, along with 1000 other adventurers. Wine and nibbles as the sun slowly changed the colours of this giant monolith in the desert.

Back to the hotel, get our room key, [now 7.15 PM]. Stopped in lounge for a Pimms and beer. To our room and dined in: an orange, a honey bar, and tea. To bed at 8.30, exhausted. Distance 440 k.

Part 2 tomorrow


At October 19, 2007 at 9:49 p.m. , Blogger Viv said...

I am truly inpsired by your adventure!

At October 20, 2007 at 11:37 a.m. , Blogger 2cowleys4u said...

Peg & I are thoroughly enjoying travelling with you !! Your pictures and commentary complete our experience of your travels.


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