Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Kata Tjuta (Olgas), Uluru (Ayers Rock)

Doug and Fellette are currently in another "communications black hole" around Alice Springs in central Australia. They asked that I post a brief description of the day's itinerary for the tour that they are on for the next few days.

Day 1. Kata Tjuta (Olgas), Uluru (Ayers Rock).
Commentary taken from tour brochure, pics from the net.

Depart Alice Springs and travel through rugged 'Outback' landscapes by the West MacDonnell Ranges. This ancient, twisted range is thought to be the oldest in Australia, and one of the oldest still standing anywhere in the world. Stop to visit the Camel Farm to learn a little about these animals which have played such an important role in the development of central Australia. You also have the opportunity to try riding one (own expense). Back aboard the coach, continue through the red sands, stopping to view the intriguing flat-topped Mt Conner before arriving at Ayers Rock Resort.

Early in the afternoon, join a tour to the 36 giant rocky domes of Kata Tjuta. Walk into Olga Gorge and keep an eye out for ancient petroglyphs (stone carvings) in the rock floor.

As the sun starts to sink in the desert sky, enjoy a complimentary glass of wine and watch the play of light and colour as the golden rays of the setting sun strike Uluru.

Stay: Ayers Rock Resort – Outback Pioneer Lodge (Budget, shared facilities), Outback Pioneer Hotel (Standard), Desert Gardens (First-Class), Sails in the Desert (Deluxe).


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