Monday, October 29, 2007

Forster to the Blue Mountains...

Preamble to the Blog:

My reason for writing this is to say how nice a feeling it is to get some feedback from readers of the blog. It sort of makes my feeble efforts a bit worthwhile to actually see that somebody is actually reading this stuff. Thanks. [This is not an appeal for comments folks.]

Getting an internet connection while travelling can be an interesting experience. This morning at 6.30 AM, I left the motel room and went over to the office where I could see the router in the window of the not-yet-open office. All my fancy tricks to get a connection failed. Holding my computer in my hands, I walked out behind the soft drink machine and faced the building across the street. BINGO! fast as the wind connection.

Selecting the photos is maybe the hardest part as I usually take between 30 and 70 shots a day. Internet speed is an issue. In the north, it sometimes took 1/2 hour to send 7 pictures. Today it took 45 seconds. I never know until I hit the send button.

Now to the Blog...

Forster to the Blue Mountains...

A big day today, to get past Sydney. Yes, PAST Sydney. We can do Sydney later, this trip is to see the countryside. A determined Rod gripped the wheel and soon we had Sydney in our rear view mirror and rocketing west for the first time. Soon enough we were in a cutsie home in Leura, a walk from the lookout to see the Blue Mountains and the Three Sisters.

The Blue Mountains are part of a 4000 K range of mountains going north to south a bit inland on the east coast of Australia. This will likely only be of significance to Aussies and keen travellers. After considerable dealings at the visitors bureau we were enroute to our home for the next [few?] days.

It is always a crap shoot on rolling into any place in the afternoon and finding a bed for the night. We were a bit disappointed in the quaint but lack-lustre outside appearance of our intended abode.

Upon entering it we were immediately all taken by the 'homeyness' of the three bedroom house. The owner was there, [she owns three homes on the street] and made sure we were happy before leaving. All the trappings are there for a comfortable and welcoming stay; wind-breakers, sun hats, sun screen, a new box of cornflakes, videos, CD's, books, even a few new goodies in the fridge. A very nice touch.

Next down the street for 'tea' before hitting the local supermarket for the ingredients for some longed-for home cooked meals. Even the girls seemed eager to get in the kitchen to prove their culinary skills had not gone dormant.

It appears that the beaches are gone folks, we are now into the mountains before heading south-west to Maryborough.

I think that I have omitted any pictures of our vehicle. It is a bit tight but we are managing very well. Rod does a great job of stowing the luggage each day in the back of the vehicle that in its former life was a police van.


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