Thursday, November 8, 2007

It may not look like much but...

...todays work was quite strenuous. The Rose Trellis Project was on deck because the Doug and Fellette team was down by one. However Rod and I were at the lumberyard by 9.00. This time I knew what we needed, so, back home at 9.30. The girls meanwhile, are malingering getting ready to go to "crafts', or "Bloody Crafts" as the men call it. [It usually involves ALL day!]

The lumber truck soon arrived with the material and before lunch we had the posts in, levelled and rapid-set concrete in place. Rod did lunch for us, sort of. After lunch there was some more prep done on the cross pieces and frilly dilly work on the trellis. The girls arrived home early and the work ground to a halt, however Fellette did help a bit.

Later I was 'invited' by Lyn to go and see the handiwork of a lady called Merle who does amazing needle work. It has taken her nine years to do the stitchery on a cabinet her husband made. The detail is indeed outstanding. It is called "As it Was", depicting scenes of in and around Maryborough about 100 to 125 years ago. It is "three-dimensional embroidery", sadly, Merle has a degenerative eye disease.

Of course she also does quilting that Fellette was anxious to see. Once again, outstanding work. One of her larger pieces has over 20,000 octagons, all done by hand! After that the girls then left for 'Tea', Thursday it seems to be the girls day to socialize.

Rod found an excuse to stay home from this expedition, his computer man was coming to bring the house into the 21st century. As a result they are now wireless!!!!!!


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