Wednesday, November 7, 2007

News Flash.... Second deluge in five days swamps Maryborough!

Yesterday afternoon, after a good day's work, Rod and I were on a mission to get modest supplies at the local Safeway, a 10 minute walk away. On the way I took some shots of local items of interest to me. The weather was great, shirtsleeves, no hat needed, a light cloud cover.

We were no sooner in the store when a torrent of rain lashed the area, the tin roof on the store made it very audible inside. It never let up, we were stranded in the store with others who merely did not want to make a dash to their car, a few yards away. We phoned for a ride home!

Progress report...... [pretty boring stuff folks]

Our first day of carpentry, our third day of yard-work and painting, [mainly done by Fellette.] Some of Fellette's work is now becoming to have a visual affect on the property. The hedge is trimmed, some painting on the front porch area, downspout, plus the bench and chair and other minor touch-ups.

FINALLY at 11, we got around to making some carpentry noises, [Fellette welcomed the change from painting to carpentry.] The first order of business was the long-discussed bridge over the pond. [Which at the moment is without fish, the water situation is not friendly to our finny friends at this time.]

A few shots illustrate some of the activity at the Lindroth's yesterday, including one or two of Rod playing outside in the rain, moving water-gathering hoses around and checking to see that all the pipes, valves, over flows and other systems are working as intended. Up until now, there has never been enough water to see if they are really doing what they are intending to do.

It appears that Fellette is doing all the work, not so, it is a co-operative thing. By the way, the fly situation is not as bad as other places, but the last thing you need is a fly in your eye while holding a whirling saw in your hand!

The bridge deck is in position, the railings and fancy work is yet to be done.

A good day all round!


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