Thursday, November 29, 2007

Home, safe and sound...

A very long day, but a great day.

First the flag-lowering ceremony that Rod survived without injury,

then off to Melbourne where Rod and Lyn dropped us off right on time.

Checked in and heard a voice "Doug!", gadzooks Keith and Jenny, what are you doing here? We had a last coffee with them, then time to go....
A very nice send-off, thank you Keith and Jenny. [Surprise was set up between Rod and Keith].

Super plane ride, a bit bumpy. Then a security nightmare in LA. [Avoid landing in the US from a country other than Canada, unless you are an American. I sort of get the feeling that we are not wanted there. People are photographed and fingerprinted while hundreds wait in the line-up.]. It took us 1 3/4 hours to get out of the procedures before we could get to the gate for next leg!

In Vancouver a sweet reception by daughter Jeanette and youngest, Adrienne.

Jeanette also had two months of mail opened and sorted by category, plus groceries etc. for us at home. A very, very nice way to end a wonderful trip. Into the very, very best bed in the world where we slept for eight hours. [some of us are still sleeping as I write this.]

I will not be posting here again on this trip. Thank you those who travelled along with us!!!

Doug and Fellette


At December 1, 2007 at 5:11 p.m. , Blogger 2cowleys4u said...

Glad to hear you are safely home.
What a wonderful trip you have taken us all on !
Now we look forward to the next one !

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