Sunday, November 25, 2007

And The Lord said...

Remember the seventh day and keep it holy... on the Seventh day ye shall rest.

So I did!

[Actually I did a few 'wind-up' jobs, including putting the primer coat on a Hand Puppet Theatre we are building for Lyn's nieces and nephews].

Later, when Fellette was giving it it's final coat in the afternoon, I pulled up a chair with a glass of wine and kept her company. After about 30 seconds I was bored so I rummaged through Rod's shed and found a somewhat but not-too-old magazine. I read an article that said that the life expectancy of males in Australia was 72.

Inasmuch as my 72nd birthday is tomorrow, I immediately put the magazine back.

The moral of the story? Don't read!

Two more sleeps.


At November 25, 2007 at 5:11 p.m. , Blogger Craig said...

Happy Birthday Dad!!!

I think it's tomorrow there now... I still haven't quite wrapped my brain around the time difference thing yet.

At November 26, 2007 at 6:30 p.m. , Blogger Viv said...

Happy Birthday! I wish you a warm and healthy day as we in Saskatchewan are experiencing minus 24 degrees Celsius with a windchill of minus 32. Be thinking of you!


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