Thursday, November 22, 2007

"Nothing exciting happened yesterday..."

I said that to Fellette early this morning. I generally do a blog at the end of the day and send to Craig, along with appropriate photos and he puts his magic touch on it and publishes it. Yesterday I did not do that, so, today, to keep my typing skills up to date, I will tell you of "our day".

D and F awoke at 6, coffee on and chat in bed, quietly!, [our hosts go to bed late and get up later than we do].

I check the computer and have a neat exchange with Jeanette and Ted at work.

Thursday is "Crafts Day" for the girls, so they put on street clothes, not work clothes like Rod and I. It is cold as blazes out [?] with a nasty wind howling so it is jeans and sweater for me. Fellette had to borrow wooly coats from Lyn as her bodies thermostat is completely confused from the 39C temps of earlier in the week. [temp. is now hovering at 18C with a wind-chill factor of -1!!!]

Yesterday I had taken down the 109 year old copper 'house name-plate' that had oxidized to black. I went to his 'shed' and found paint stripper. It never touched it. Into the kitchen with salt, vinegar and 000 steel wool. Eventually a copper sub-surface started to appear. A half hour of scrubbing and I had a masterpiece in my hands.

Eventually our hosts appeared, rather drowsily, and had their breakfast, sort of. Fellette and I had ours.

I helped Lyn set up a Blog, [they are out of the country for most of 2008], for a few minutes. The girls then left for crafts after Fellette gave Rod and I some advice [?] on how to handle the lower boards on the fence.

Rod and I started to fiddle with some old 2 x 4s for the fence. After a short while we realized that what material we had, [used], would not do. We measured up and went to the hardware, [lumber yard] and ordered the goods, then returned home.

We came inside to get warm and killed time until it was time to walk to town and have lunch with a few of the 'crafters' at a local deli. Now this is the part I do not understand. We joined six chatty-kathy ladies for lunch, just Rod and I and six ladies. Why?

Anyhow, we did. I think that I picked up about 10% of what was said. They all seem to have different accents and the topics were about absolutely nothing, utter nonsense. The girls seem to feed off of themselves. Even though the average age was well over 60, they were like teenagers.

As soon as it was convenient we left. I needed a haircut but the barber was out to lunch so we did a few of Rod's 'town errands' first. Back to 'the barber', a 21 year old 'hot babe' in spiked heels [5"], black tights and bleached blonde with black frill. Gadzooks Doug, what are we in for? After the man ahead of me had his razor slash on the back of his neck fixed up with a styptic pencil, I was 'next'!

I then proceeded to get the best haircut I have had in the last 20 years. Plus some intelligent conversation with 'the babe'. Her 'partner' is a farmer who was thinking of going on a Farm Exchange in Canada. I encouraged him/her to do so. To Saskatchewan! I tried to tip her $2.00, but NO!, she ended up taking $2.00 OFF the senior price of $12.00!

Rod and I left and walked to the park where there is an event on this week. [Possibly later Blog?]. Back to the house where the lumber is just arriving for the fence, we help unload.

Now, get this, a bunch of 'crafters' arrive for 'tea'. It is too late to go outside so I fiddle with the computer and Rod walks over to visit a friend who is in the hospital. The chatter from the tea party is louder than ever, so I sneak to the bedroom for a nap.

After a long snooze I awake to the same ladies at the same table chatting away about the same nothingness. They leave eventually. I am then informed that we are going to the pub for the usual $5.00 meal [the traditional craft day excursion]. A 14 K drive, where the socializing continues for about two more hours. Home and to bed.

Now do you see where I said nothing exciting happened? Also I might say, not a darn thing constructive except the lumber arrived.


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