Wednesday, November 14, 2007

One more day to go on the front fence!

Only a half day of fun today, at 30 C it is too hot to be in the sun.

Tomorrow the wood gets its last coat of paint and the wire goes up for the final time. As it is we have to put the wire back on every night and then tack it in place, then take it down in the morning. The wire is barely visible lying in front of the path.

The driveway gates and front gates are getting their coat of "Heritage Green" paint, one of the few jobs in the shade. The wheelbarrow is a handy place to keep the myriad of tools that we need on our fence reno.

We only have a half day tomorrow, after the girls come back from "crafts" we take off for a few days in Melbourne.

I understand that a pretty powerful windstorm came through at home in Canada over the weekend. Jeanette and family at The Farm were without power for about 36 hours. It must make it interesting with four young girls without water, [they have a well with an electric pump.] The pool water is used to flush toilets, but they have a wood stove that can heat the house and water. Fresh water comes from Canada Ticket by the bucket. 2007 and it still happens, amazing.

After dinner we went for a 40 minute walk. Into Princes Park, past the classic Grandstand to Lake Victoria, excavation was started by convicts in 1868 I think, eventually finished many years later. Efforts by the city to direct storm water run-off seems to be working if the ducks are any judge of success.

The photos are images that caught my fancy and it may give a flavour of the city/town. The light was fading, hence poor quality shots, sorry. Not all buildings are Victorian in style though, there is a mix of various architectural styles. Unfortunately some not too fitting for the setting. A nice sized town though, about 8,000 people.

After the walk we came back to Rod and Lyn's home. I think that they are quite pleased to see the noticeable improvements taking shape on their property.


At November 14, 2007 at 7:35 p.m. , Blogger Craig said...

Nice paint job Mom!

"Wattyl" brand paint I see... we need a "Mayple" brand of paint here in Canada!


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