Friday, November 9, 2007

Progress report...

The bridge will wait, today we wanted to get the Rose Trellis ready to paint. Up early and took down the bracing and off we go. There were a few shall we say [tense] moments as Lyn saw the project unfold. A drawing is one thing, seeing it in real is another. We bashed on anyhow.

By noonish it was looking more like a decent trellis and portal than four posts reaching for the heavens. By 4 PM, it was as good as it is going to get, unpainted. By then it got the smile and nod of approval. [or is she just being nice to us?]

Neighbour Bert, [who lent us his son-in-law's router] also dropped by later in the day to inspect the project. I think he gave his nod as well. Hard to tell, the Aussies have a strange sense of humour.

It was a long hot day, we must drink more throughout the day. I seem to be so focused on the job it is hard to stop and drink, I, [we] must do that though.

Just prior to shutting down for the day, or 'pulling stumps', [a cricket term I am told], Rod came and told me that we now have a frog lurking beneath the half completed bridge. I find it hard to believe that a frog mysteriously appeared just because of the new bridge. However, a search on the internet revealed the following...The frog in question is a "Banjo" or bonking frog, [so named because his call is like a bonk on a hollow log [,who sets up under an overhang and bonks or calls for a mate]. He is obviously a male. We are optimistic of a companion coming to see him, the recent rain has changed things a little, just a little. let us hope that this does not become a frog epidemic, Australia seems to have some of natures creations in plague proportions.

Todays Australian joke: What do you call a man with a shovel in his head? Answer- Doug. [Dug]

What do you call a man without a shovel in his head? Answer Douglas [Dugless]

I told you they have a different sense of humour!


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