Saturday, November 10, 2007

Progress on two fronts today

Things are hopping here at the Lindroth property. Rod painted the Rose Trellis, all of his complaining was to no avail. The job took a bit long, cost a pair of his shorts, took too much paint but it is at least, primed.

There was much swanning off on his part today, sort of a Tom Sawyer approach to the job. First he feigned injury while aloft, then he got wind of a garage sale of books, [his passion], that took two hours. Next it was a journey for more paint, then a visit to welcome a new neighbour.

He also primed the wire fence in preparation for that ugly renovation job next week.

Meanwhile the two Robins were busy in the garden putting some finishing touches on the bridge. We need one more piece of lumber and it is ready for Rod to stain.

There seems to be a considerable amount of time spent chatting or having tea and/or coffee with visiting friends and neighbours around here. This is somewhat foreign to Doug and Fellette, we are a bit goal-oriented and our pleasure is in building something. When we relax, we really do relax, but we have a limited time here and we seem to be 'burning a lot of daylight!' I think that Rod and Lyn do not really feel too comfortable with us doing what they consider work but we consider play, while we are supposed to be on a vacation.

More news on the Frog Front. Behold, we have frogs eggs in TWO ponds now, there is much rejoicing in the Lindroth home. However I think that Rod will use the frog's eggs as a reason not to stain the bridge. I have already heard rumbles of 'not polluting the water'. Rod, it is a swamp! See photos of frog's eggs. Gestation period is 3 to 5 days we think.

On Rod's visit to the new neighbour across the street he told Rod that he was informed that there were Americans staying with the Lindroths. Partly right, we are from North America. I popped over to see him later mainly because he was setting out his Christmas lights for the house. [The temperature was 26 C today.] It will take him a month he says. I do not think that this sedate part of Maryborough, is prepared for what this man is going to do. He is having an electrician come and check his house to see if it can take the load. Shades of Chevy Chase! [He said he would try to get them illuminated prior to our departure.] Gee, is it that time already? Incidentally the man is a printing salesman!

Some day I will extoll and give a tribute to that wonderful Canadian invention, the Robertson, or square headed screw. My gosh, I never thought that I would miss that little marvel so much. The 'pine' we are working with seems to be a cross between iron wood and 100 year old fir. And to have to use Phillips screws on it!! Exasperating! And, Rod's fence posts are gum wood. Hard as a rock, really.


At November 10, 2007 at 1:18 p.m. , Blogger Craig said...

"... a bit goal-oriented"

P.S. I've got to agree with you on the Robertson screw thing Dad... it ranks right up there with Standard Time as one of the greatest ever Canadian inventions.


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