Thursday, November 15, 2007

Speaking Australian...

DIE - There are seven of these in a week, commonly known as a day.

WHILE - large mammal, often seen off of Maui, weighing several tons, whale.

HAUL - often in the ground or in a garment, commonly known as hole.

YAA - required by law to be at least every 10th word spoken, commonly known as yeah, an affirmitive.

TEA - very confusing, it can be tea, coffee, or any drink, or a snack, or a full course dinner. There is no word for this in North America.

MIGHT - a bloke word, as it sounds, any male you talk to, even a complete stranger, friend or foe. Mate.

AMERICAN - any person without an Aussie, NZ, English or South African accent. Sometimes called Yank.

FILED - unsuccessful in an attempt, failed.

NILE - comes in many sizes, common and finishing, commonly known as nail.


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