Friday, November 23, 2007

Doug's ramblings, bits and pieces...

It is Federal Election Day in Australia Today, November 24th, 2007.

The 'Liberal' and 'National Party' ruling coalition government may fall today. They have been in power since 1996. The touted winner is the Labour Party. If you think that the old BC NDP government was pro-union, you should see this mob!

Get ready to hear from a man called RUDD. Mr slicko!

As a matter of interest, Australians are subject to a fine of somewhat over $100.00 if they fail to vote. The notice comes to you in the mail!

Doug's ramblings, bits and pieces...

1. I have taken 2401 photos in the last two months. [Most never to be seen again]. I am in about 15 of them!

2 We have slept in 25 different beds since leaving home, plus one night on a plane.

3. The SOUTH side of a houses in Australia never gets sun on it, [ and moss grows on the SOUTH side of trees.

4. HOT winds come from the NORTH.

5. The school year STARTS very early in February and ENDS a week before Christmas, the kids then have their Christmas/Summer vacations.

6. People go to the beach at Christmas, and are NOT likely to have turkey for dinner.

7. They sing "I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas" here, although snow is basically unheard of except in some mountains.

8. Some people have "Christmas-in-July" because it is cooler.

9. There is no thanksgiving here. [The first arrivals were convicts sent to the ends of the earth].

The Aussie observations of course are obvious, and we knew of them, but I never really thought too much about it, until now.

Fellette and I had a rather neat on-line-experience the other morning. We and Jeanette and Ted at work had a brief exchange of e-mails for a couple of minutes. We were still in our PJ's at 6.45 AM, and it was 11.45 AM at work, a day behind. Kind of fun.

We are finishing our tasks here, I will send photos when completed.

Yesterday we spent a couple of hours after our morning work at the local Park where a weekend of racing competition is on. [I will send more info when the weekend is over].

In the meantime I will show you a few shots of the terrible weather we are enduring!

According to my computer this morning, following are the projected temperatures for four cities around the world where we have friends/relations......

Vancouver 7 C, London 8 C, Atlanta 12 C, Maryborough 31C!

Four more sleeps and then home.


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