Monday, November 26, 2007

TA-DA! We're Finished!!!!!

Below are the final pictures you will see of our major projects. We all feel very good about them and a myriad of other bits and pieces done in the last few weeks. Rod is a very capable handyman, but somehow it is more fun with friends of like interest and skills. Lyn's talents lie in other more homey areas so Rod enjoyed the companionship as well.

The pond bridge - before

The pond bridge - after

The trellis and fence - before

The trellis and fence - after

"Thousands Attend Doug's Birthday Outing", read the headlines!

Well, today was my Birthday. It was very touching to turn on the computer at six this morning and hear from friends who had remembered, I wish I had that certain something that special people have. I do, however, miss phoning my mother and wishing her a "happy birth day", she always got a kick out of that.

After we put the finishing touches on the fence this morning we got cleaned up and went to a lunch with friends of Rod and Lyn's who live about 14 Ks out of town. They have five acres in a bush-like setting in a neat and tidy house with humungous flower and vegetable gardens. Water is a major concern, many of their plants, trees and shrubs have died in the past 10 years.

In spite of that, their resourcefulness has enabled them to have, still, a very colourful garden. Their friend has a very serious hobby of birds and fish. They have about a half acre of aviaries where his finch collection flitters about. Hundreds of them. His fish collection occupies a converted sea-going container. About 30 odd tanks I estimate. Birds and fish have been his hobby since childhood days.

By the way, dig those crazy raised bed vegetable plantings made out of old water tanks, I would like to try that one day, easier on the back!

After lunch we all went out to a somewhat remote area to see a bridge that was built by an enterprising gentleman over 150 years ago to enable people going to the gold fields a direct route over a marshy area rather than a lengthy detour. Of course it is now condemned and a derelict. As a lover of construction methods I am amazed at how they would build such a structure in those days with only their backs and their wits.

While marvelling at their ingenuity, thousands showed up to join the outing. Those Damn flies again. We were in the area for about 30 minutes, some areas worse than others. They REALLY are annoying folks! Lyn seemed to attract more than her share. I have enclosed a couple of shots. The Australian Tourist Association will probably have a contract out on me. [I am constantly reassured that this is very unusual. Sure guys!]

All in all, it was a great day and one that I shall always remember. Throughout the day and evening I had numerous e-mails from friends and family and even a phone call from my good friend Keith Stafford in Melbourne. It is a little humbling. Thank you all, we are indeed blessed.

And guess what, tomorrow is my birthday, again, at home!!!! [except we won't be there]

Two more sleeps!


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